Saturday, February 6, 2010

I am Done!

So today I decided that it was time to do what Ashley wanted to do and stop living for other people. I do not care if you need some one to watch your dog, house, car, or kid. I do not care if you have 10,000 people coming to your house and have no food or time to prepare. I do not care if you repeatedly get yourself in the same situation bc you feel the more you hang out with the guy one day he will fall madly in love you with you but you come home with the same sob story (NOT LISTENING). I know this may sound harsh but I am tired of being the friend that is Always there that always listens to your sob story and only a phone call away if you get yourself in a pickle. I am over it I have a life its a nice life. A few days ago a friend and I were talking and she said you know Ash we are just nice people and others see that and take advantage, you know what she is right. It makes me so mad that bc you think that I am single I can go and do for you all the time. I should not feel bad if I want to go get my hair and nails done or go on a shopping spree or take myself to a movie. I am actually okay with that....I refuse to be at any ones bake and call c'mon now! I refuse to change my plans bc you did not make any of your on until the last second and somehow it is my fault....although we dont know how its all my fault. If you want to include me in your plans please do so immediately as I am not bailing on another friend bc something else came up. *********Okay I feel better I just really really wanted to say that although this blog is not pointed at any persons directly I feel better for having said it.
Now today has been a good day started out with a breakfast with a friend who I had some questions for and completely forgot to ask .(I think I need to start writing more things down) Then I went to work which seemed to drag by for whatever reason we had plenty to do and evidently plenty of time to do it. A few of my favorite customers came in so it was nice. After work I had decided that I was having some me time came home and decided to go have dinner with a few people and some new friends. Ran in Wal-Mart where I ran into 6 families that go to my church this is the only place I am sure to go and see someone that I know. However they all saw me Yelled and I was late to my dinner. Oops! :( my night went on from there and now it is definitely time for bed.


  1. Wow, what a rant. If this is about me, how soon should I come pick up the stuff I left at your house? ;) I seriously need to do that though. Good for you for putting your foot down and sticking up for yourself.

    PS - My shower here is going to be April 11th.

    Miss you friend!

  2. Awe miss you too! Of Course this was not about you... never.. not even the dog sitting part bc those are my girls!! You have another shower in March as well right?
